Disneyland's Pelton, 30 footer!

These were sent in by Jeff. Thanks Jeff.
While this display looks great, it lacks Historical Accuracy and Operational Reality.
(I do understand this is Disneyland), but I would have thought they would have wanted it to show correct history.
As you can imagine, I think it is great to have a Pelton Wheel at Disneyland.
There was a wheel this diameter, it was located at the North Star Mine in Grass Valley California
where it ran an air compressor to run the mine's equipment.
In Fact, the wheel is still there, although it is now the North Star Mining Museum.
The 4th picture is of the actual wheel, as it stands in the original location, in the museum.
The Pelton Water wheel company did not make this wheel, although the buckets were of Pelton's type.
The Pelton Water Wheel company only endorsed wheels up to about 18 feet at the time.
One other inaccuracy I see, is that the water just shoots THROUGH the buckets, the whole point
of Pelton's invention was that the water reversed in the buckets, thus obtaining the high efficiency.
OK, I apoligize for running down Disneyland, but, this is how history gets bent.

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Pelton Plauqe, Disneyland
800 X 531
102 KB
Disneyland Pelton Wheel
800 X 531
99 KB
Disneyland Pelton, "Nozzle"
800 X 531
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The Real Thing
641 X 427
49 KB